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We know that choosing the right school for your child is a big decision. At Weston we take a personal and dedicated approach to help you at this important time. Whether you would like an informal chat, a visit or a meeting, we are on hand to make the arrangements or answer any questions, big or small. We would love to invite you to visit our school and nursery, take a tour, see our facilities, and meet our team. 

How do I apply for a place at Weston if my child is starting reception?

Your child will start school in the year in which they are 5. To apply for a place if you live in England please contact the Herefordshire Admissions team. If you live in Wales please contact the Monmouthshire Admissions team, who will then liaise with Herefordshire on your behalf.

Herefordshire Admissions - Applying for a Reception Place in 2022

Herefordshire Primary Admission Guidance

Catchment Area Map for Schools Herefordshire Council


To contact the teams see below:

Herefordshire Admissions Office

School Admissions and Transport

Herefordshire Council


Blackfriars Street



Office Telephone No: 01432 260926

Gloucestershire Admissions Office

School Admissions

Gloucestershire County Council

Shire Hall



Email: school.admissions@gloucestershire.gov.uk

Office Telephone No: 01452 425407


How do I apply for a place at Weston if my child is joining the school after reception?

If you would like your child to join us after the start of their reception year you need to firstly contact the school to find out if there is space in that year group. If there is we will manage the transfer process with you through the school. Please contact us directly if you would like to know more.

Mrs Tracey Caitlin (School Business Manager)

or Mrs Beth Stevens (Executive Headteacher)

on 01989563933.


What are the admission arrangements for selection and oversubscription criteria?

These arrangements are reviewed annually with the Governing Body. Applications are ranked according to these criteria.

Weston-under-Penyard CE Primary School Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Weston-under-Penyard CE Primary School Admission Policy 2024-25


In Year Transfer Application Form

In Year Transfer Application