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Rights Respecting School

Rights are at the heart of our ethos.  Coupled with our Christian Values of friendship, kindness and trust, our entire school community ensures that Duty Bearers (adults) place the Rights Holders (pupils) at the heart of all decision-making - from policies to curriculum, from behaviour to interactions.  We ensure that adults and children experience dignity and equity throughout their time with us, and endeavour to ensure they take their rights-respecting knowledge with them as they transition through their lives.

Click here to read a recent feature about the River Wye Federation on the UNICEF website

Our Rights Charter

These are the rights we have chosen to focus on in our daily lives at school.  We also study the other rights from the UNCRC throughout the curriculum and through weekly Rights Respecting School assemblies.

our rights poster 2019 updated with new logos 1 .pdf

 Our RRS Status

One of our principal aims is to provide a caring environment where children are valued, listened to and respected. Our happy and successful school has been recognised by UNICEF: we are incredibly proud to have achieved recognition as aGOLD Rights Respecting School in April 2022.

Rights Respecting School Gold Report April 2022


The Articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

The ‘Rights Respecting School’ award (RRSA) will help our pupils as they grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community. By learning about their rights our pupils, your children, also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others and their personal responsibilities. The RRS award links directly to children’s understanding of what British Values mean for them.

convention on the rights of the child the childrens version.pdf